My Academic Geneaology
Ipeirotis, Panagiotis
PhD, Computer Science, Columbia University, 2004
Dissertation Title: Classifying and Searching Hidden-Web Text Databases
Gravano, Luis
PhD, Computer Science, Stanford University, 1997
Dissertation Title: Querying Multiple Document Collections across the Internet
Garcia-Molina, Hector
PhD, Computer Science, Stanford University, 1979
Dissertation Title: Performance of Update Algorithms for Replicated Data in a Distributed Database
Wiederhold, Gio(vanni) Corrado Melchiore
PhD, Medical Information Science, University of California, San Francisco, 1976
Dissertation Title: Methods for the Design Analysis of Medical Data Base Systems
See also Wiederhold’s academic ancestry at Neurotree.org, Mathematics Genealogy
Starkweather, John Amsden (1925 – 2001)
PhD, Psychology, Northwestern University, 1955
Dissertation Title: Judgments of Content-Free Speech as Related to Some Aspects of Personality
Duncan, Carl Porter (1921 – 1999)
PhD, Psychology, Brown University, 1947
Dissertation Title: The Effect of Electroshock Convulsions on Learning and Retention in The Rat
Schlosberg, Harold (1904 – 1964)
PhD, Psychology, Princeton University, 1928
Dissertation Title: A Study of the Conditioned Patellar Reflex
Holt, Edwin Bissell (1873 – 1946)
PhD, Psychology, Harvard University, 1901
Dissertation Title: The Motor Element in Vision
James, William (1842 – 1910)
Carmichael, Leonard (1898 – 1973)
PhD, Educational Psychology, Harvard University, 1924
Dissertation Title: Instinct Considered from the Point of View of Educational Psychology
Dearborn, Walter Fenno (1878-1955)
PhD, Psychology, Columbia University, 1905
Dissertation Title: Psychology of Reading
Cattell, James McKeen (1860-1944)
PhD, Psychology, Leipzig, 1886
Dissertation Title: An Essay on Psychometry, or the Time Taken Up by Simple Mental Processes
Wundt, Wilhelm Max (1832-1920)
M.D., University of Heidelberg, 1856
Dissertation Title: Untersuchungen über das Verhalten der Nerven in entzündeten und degenerirten Organen
Helmholtz, Hermann von (1821-1894)
M.D., Royal Friedrich-Wilhelm Institute of Medicine and Surgery in Berlin, 1842
Dissertation Title: De fabrica systematis nervosi evertebratorum
See Helmholtz’s academic ancestry at Chemical Genealogy
Müller, Johannes Peter (1801–1858)
M.D., Bonn, 1822
Walther, Philip Franz von (1782–1849)
M.D., Landshut, 1803
Beer, Georg Joseph (1763–1821)
M.D., Vienna, 1786
Barth, Joseph (1745-1818)
M.D., Vienna, 1770
Störk, Anton (1731-1803)
M.D., Vienna, 1757
Swieten, Gerard van (1700-1772)
M.D., Leiden, 1725
Boerhaave, Hermann (1668-1738)
M.D., Harderwijk, 1693
Volder, Burtchard de (1643-1709)
M.D., Leiden, 1664
Frank, Johann Peter (1745-1821)
M.D., Heidelberg, 1766
Gattenhof, Georg Matthias (1722–1788)
M.D., Würzberg, 1748
Haller, Victor Albrecht von (1708-1777)
M.D., Leiden, 1727
Duvernoy, Johann Georg (1691-1759)
M.D., Tübingen, 1716
Tournefort, Joseph Pitton de (1656-1708)
M.D., Montpellier, 1681
Magnol, Pierre (1638-1715)
M.D., Montpellier, 1659
Laugier, Pierre (???-???)
M.D., Montpellier, 1603
Belleval, Pierre Richer de (1564-1632)
M.D., Avignon, 1587
Écluse, Charles de l’ (1526-1609)
Rondelet, Guillaume (1507-1566)
M.D., 1537
Vogel, Rudolph Augustin (1724-1774)
M.D., Erfurt, 1747
Rudolphi, Karl Asmund (1771–1832)
M.D., Greifswald, 1805
Weigel, Christian Ehrenfried (1748-1831)
M.D., Göttigen, 1771
Erxleben, Johann Christian Polykarp (1744-1777)
Ph.D., Göttigen, 1767
Kästner, Abraham Gotthelf (1719-1800)
Ph.D., Leipzig, 1739
Dissertation Title: Theoria radicum in aequationibus
Hausen, Christian August (1693-1743)
Dr. Phil., Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, 1713
Dissertation: De corpore scissuris figurisque non cruetando ductu
Wichmannshausen, Johann Christoph (? -?)
Ph.D., Universität Leipzig, 1685
Dissertation Title: Disputationem Moralem De Divortiis Secundum Jus Naturae
Mencke, Otto (1644-1707)
Ph.D., Universität Leipzig, 1668
Dissertation Title: Ex Theologia naturali — De Absoluta Dei Simplicitate,
Micropolitiam, id est Rempublicam In Microcosmo Conspicuam
*1 Uncertain – hints from “Harold Schlosberg: 1904-1964”, Am J Psychol. 1965 Mar;78:148-52 by Carl Pfaffmann
*2 Uncertain – hint from “Leonard Carmichael” ,Biographical Memoirs V.51 (1980), by Carl Pfaffmann
*3 Uncertain – hint from the book “The Psychological researches of James McKeen Cattell; a review by some of his pupils”
*5 All the information below that point was obtained from the Chemical Genealogy Database
*5 Undergraduate advisor